Monthly Write-Alongs

Want to finish all those half-written blog posts…

Or update your website copy…

Start that monthly newsletter you’ve been planning…

Or finally start getting that book idea down on paper…

There’s always something we want to write, but making time for it can feel like a challenge.

Something else crops up.

We get distracted.

Or we convince ourselves we’re not in the right mood for writing.

But often the real reason we don’t write is because we don’t set aside time, we don’t eliminate distractions, and we don’t have anyone holding us accountable.

My monthly write-alongs are designed to solve those problems.

Think of it like going to the gym. You can go to the gym any time you want and do a workout by yourself. Plenty of people do.

But when you're relying on self-motivation alone, there's always the temptation to skip a session. There's no one holding you accountable if you miss a week. Nobody is waiting for you to turn up. And even if you do turn up, you can take it easy if you aren't in the mood to push yourself. You can do a lighter workout or a shorter workout. You can half-arse it.

In contrast, if you book and pay for an exercise class or PT session, you're more likely to go. You've paid for it. Someone is expecting you to turn up. There's more pressure on you to go. And once you are there, you're more likely to work hard because the other people in the class are working hard too. You put the effort in. You do the full workout. You get better results.

And it's the same with my monthly write-alongs.

Yes, you can schedule time in your diary to write. You can block out a couple of hours to write your monthly blog post, or work on your book, or update your website copy.

But there's always going to be that temptation to cancel on yourself – to make excuses not to do the work.

Nobody will notice if you don't show up to write. Nobody is holding you accountable or pushing you towards achieving your writing goals. It’s easy to let yourself off the hook.

But if you've booked to come to my write-along, you're more likely to do the work. You've paid for it so you might as well get your money's worth. And you've booked the session so you know I'm expecting you.

And once you get there, you're more likely to put the effort in because everyone else there is putting in the effort too. And if you do get stuck, you can get help and support from me and other members.

How it works:

Each session is 90 minutes. We start by discussing our goals for the session – what will you be working on? You don’t have to go into huge detail – “I’m working on a blog post about X,” or “I’m writing my monthly email,” or “I’m aiming to write 500 words for my book” is fine.

We then have 45 minutes of focused writing time. Turn off your phone, close down your email, eliminate distractions and just write.

Finally, we reconvene as a group for discussion and feedback. You can share as much or as little as you like. Did you achieve your goal, or did you get off track? Are you happy with what you wrote or is it missing something? Need advice on how to rephrase something, improve a call to action, or remove a cliché? Let’s figure it out together.

You'll also have the chance to set "homework" - a target for what you want to achieve with your writing between sessions. If you share your goal with others, you're more likely to stick to it.

There’s absolutely no pressure to share your goals or speak during the group discussions. As you get to know me and the other members you might feel more comfortable sharing, but it’s entirely up to you. If you’d prefer to just come along to write and listen, that’s fine (I can talk enough for everyone 😉). And if you do have a question but you’re not comfortable asking the group, you can always message me privately.


· Focused writing time – dedicate time each month to your content creation

· Accountability – hold each other accountable for achieving your writing goals

· Collaboration – get insight and feedback from others

· Advice – learn tips and techniques from other writers

· Results – turn ideas into finished written content

Get involved:

Monthly write-alongs are included in paid memberships. You’ll receive details of the upcoming dates and the link to register in the monthly members-only email.

If you are not already a member, you can upgrade here and access all member benefits including my monthly write-alongs.