Become A Member

On April 1st, I’m launching a paid membership. But if you pledge to subscribe before April 1st, you’ll get half price membership.

Pledge Now & Get Half Price Membership

Included in your membership:

Monthly Write-Alongs: Dedicate time to your writing, and get accountability, feedback, and advice from me and other members.

Focus On…: Available as audio and text so you can listen to or read my thoughts, advice and experience on specific writing-related topics.

Member-only emails: As well as my monthly subscriber email, you’ll receive a members-only email with bonus tips, advice, and writing prompts.

Member’s chat: Join the community chat where you can ask questions, get advice and share your work with other members (optional).

Quarterly Q&A: Join me for a live Q&A session every quarter where I’ll answer any questions you have about writing for money, business or pleasure.

All this for only £20* per month – cancel any time.

And if you opt for an annual subscription, you’ll also get:

· 12 months for the price of 10

· 10% discount on my 90-minute one-to-one sessions

· Opportunity to get featured in my monthly newsletter

Founding members get everything included in my monthly and annual memberships, plus 2 x 30-minute one-to-one sessions with me.

Pledge to subscribe before April 1st and get your monthly membership for only £10 per month or £100 per year for as long as you remain a member.

Pledge Now & Get Half Price Membership

Why pledge now?

If you pledge to subscribe before April 1st 2025, you will get half-price membership for the entirety of your membership. If you unsubscribe as a member and later resubscribe, you will need to resubscribe at full price.

If you don’t pledge before April 1st, you’ll miss out on the half price offer so if you are on the fence about joining, don’t wait.

Choose the monthly option and as soon as I turn on paid subscriptions on April 1st 2025, you’ll be charged £10. You’ll get access to all my member-only benefits including the first Write Along on Tuesday 15th (09:30-11:00).

If after a month, you aren’t enjoying it, you can unsubscribe and all it’s cost you is a tenner (which I’ll happily refund if you really didn’t think it was value for money). However, if you love it (which I hope you will), you can continue your membership at half price.

Pledge Now & Get Half Price Membership

Benefits of membership

The biggest benefit of your membership will depend on you. What do you need? What are your goals? What do you want to get out of it?

For some people, the member chat will be the biggest benefit. A chance to be part of a community, ask questions and get advice and feedback from me and the other members.

Other people find group chats exhausting and that’s fine. If group chat isn’t for you, you can just dip in and out to see what others are saying, or you can avoid the chat completely.

You might find the monthly write-alongs the most useful aspect of your membership. These are my favourite feature because I love the accountability and productivity they bring.

Or maybe you’ll get the most value from money from the Focus On.. content and the quarterly Q&A sessions, where I’ll be sharing my writing expertise and experiences and providing tips for getting more from your writing projects.

I can’t tell you which features will benefit you most, but I can tell you that my goal for every member is the same: I want to help you write with confidence and purpose.

So if you know you need some kind of support with your writing, but aren’t sure what that support needs to look like. Join my membership and let’s figure it out.

Pledge Now & Get Half Price Membership

Who is a Write With Lisa membership for?

Write With Lisa is for anyone who writes for money, for business or pleasure. So if you are:

  • A copywriter or ghostwriter who writes for clients

  • A freelancer or business owner who writes your own marketing content

  • A marketer who creates content for your company

  • A blogger or jounalist

  • An author

  • A storyteller

  • A novelist

  • A poet

  • Someone who dreams of writing a book

  • Or a writer (or wannabe writer) of any description

Then Write With Lisa is for you.

I started my writing career as a freelance copywriter in 2014 and I haven’t stopped writing, talking about writing or supporting others with their writing ever since.

I’ve written sales and marketing copy for various platforms, formats and sectors. I’ve delivered copywriting training to a range of businesses across the UK and beyond. I’ve written and published two books and supported with the writing and editing of many more. I’ve written magazine articles, blog posts, Medium stories and I have my own publications on Ghost, Beehiiv and Substack.

In other words, I don’t think there are many types of writing I haven’t been involved with. And it’s all this experience and knowledge that I want to share with you. So whatever your reasons for writing and whatever you want to write, join me and let me help you achieve your goals.

Pledge Now & Get Half Price Membership