Writers will keep writing no matter how good AI becomes
Despite the rise of AI, I'm writing more now than ever before.
I’ve resisted writing about AI until now despite being asked about it so many times over the last couple of years.
I try to avoid jumping on bandwagons, so when ChatGPT first arrived on the scene, I had no interest in adding my opinion to the hundreds of other opinions floating around.
And now there are so many articles about AI, the pros and cons of using AI generated content, how AI is putting writers out of business, how writers can use AI, how AI is the best thing ever created, how AI is the work of the devil, and blah, blah, blah.
The topic of AI has been done to death and no doubt will be a hot topic for years to come as it evolves and advances.
So why am I writing about it now?
Because even though more and more people are turning to AI for their content, I’m writing more now than ever before.
Since the start of 2025, I’ve launched four new publications (including this one) and I plan on launching more.
I could use AI to write content for me, but I don’t.
Simply because I love writing.
And that’s one of the reasons AI will never completely replace writers no matter how advanced, intelligent and brilliant it gets.
There will always be people, like me, who love to write.
There will always be people who want to share their stories and there will always be people who want to hear them.
And while some people might use AI to tell their stories, others will sit and write and edit and tweak and write and edit some more until they feel it’s right. And then they’ll hit publish and feel that inevitable rush of excitement and anxiety.
For writers, writing isn’t just about the end result. It’s about the process, the challenge, the sense of achievement you get from creating something.
At the start of 2025, I took up knitting. I’m currently working on a scarf for my husband. Each row is 100 stitches and takes me around 10 minutes to complete. I aim to complete two rows a day and a few more when I have time. It will probably take me weeks, if not months to finish the scarf.
Why am I bothering when I could just buy a scarf? I could probably pick up something for less than I paid for the wool and needles. Or I could pay a bit more and get something handmade.
And yet, I sit and knit. And I do it for the exact same reason I don’t use AI to write my content. Because I enjoy doing it myself.
What the robots say
I occasionally use AI to do things I don’t enjoy doing (or am absolutely terrible at). I’ve used AI to create images (including the one for this post) because my design skills are almost non-existent. I’ve used AI to transcribe audio because it’s quicker than trying to do it myself. I’ve used AI and automation for all kinds of things.
But I don’t use it for writing.
That said, I decided it would be interesting to use some AI-generated content in this article about AI-generated content.
So I asked ChatGPT: “Why do writers write when they can use AI instead?”
Here’s what the robots had to say (word for word):
Writers write—despite AI—because writing is more than just putting words on a page. AI is a tool, but it lacks the human depth, creativity, and emotional intelligence that make writing truly powerful. Here’s why writers still choose to write:
1. Writing Is an Art, Not Just a Task
AI can generate text, but it doesn’t create with intention, meaning, or a unique voice. Writers craft stories, persuade, entertain, and connect with readers in ways AI can’t replicate.
2. Authenticity & Human Connection
Readers crave real, human experiences. Whether it's a novel, an opinion piece, or marketing copy, personal stories and genuine emotion resonate more than AI-generated text.
3. AI Lacks True Creativity & Original Thought
AI pulls from existing content—it doesn’t invent new ideas or have groundbreaking insights. Writers think critically, push boundaries, and create something that has never been written before.
4. Writing Is a Personal & Transformative Process
For many, writing is about self-expression, reflection, and discovery. AI can assist, but it can’t replace the experience of thinking through ideas and finding one’s voice.
5. AI Needs Human Guidance
Even the best AI tools require human input to refine, fact-check, and ensure quality. Writers bring structure, strategy, and nuance that AI alone can’t provide.
6. Not All Writing Is Just About Speed
AI is fast, but good writing isn’t just about speed—it’s about impact. Thoughtful writing takes time, research, and careful crafting, something AI often lacks.
7. Writers Want Control Over Their Message
AI can generate words, but it doesn’t have opinions, ethics, or personal experiences. Writers control how their message is delivered, ensuring clarity, authenticity, and intent.
8. Writing Is a Passion, Not Just a Job
Many writers write because they love it. AI can assist, but it doesn’t replace the joy, challenge, and fulfillment of writing something truly meaningful.
Bottom Line:
AI is a powerful tool, but it’s just that—a tool. Writers use AI to enhance their work, not replace it. The human touch, originality, and emotional depth in writing will always matter.
Not bad, right?
So even AI agrees there are plenty of reasons that writers write. And these reasons won’t go away.
Just as there are still people in every industry who still do things the “old-fashioned way.” And people still pay for things to be done the “old-fashioned way.” The writing industry will be no different.
That doesn’t mean AI won’t impact writers. It doesn’t mean AI isn’t already having a negative impact on the writing industry. It is.
And those of us who earn a living through writing can’t afford to bury our heads in the sand and pretend AI doesn’t exist. But nor should we fear it.
What we need to do is accept that AI is here to stay. And whether you love it or hate it, avoid it or embrace it, it will continue to evolve and you need to evolve too (but that’s a blog post for another day).
To be continued…
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